
Daily Screenshot

 Daily Screenshot sends email automatically every hour or once a day with one of following attachment:  Screenshot of a website Screenshot of running computer  Download   Beside attachment website URL or name of comuputer will be sent via email. This tool can be so configured that it will start and will be active on Windows start up. Daily Screenshot can only be closed by the exit button that opens when the icon in the taskbar is pressed with the right mouse button.  

YR Drive Easy Connect

  YR Drive Easy Connect In order to use this application you need to buy a device from Yılmaz Redüktör ( ) Read and write parameters of Yılmaz Motor Drivers Connection to RS485 (Modbus) of motor driver via Bluetooth Monitor some parameters of motor driver Save and load parameter sets Copy parameters from one drive to an other drive Download    

Delta PLC Read/Write internal relay M in C#

Delta PLC provides Modbus communication library DMT, which can be used in C# ​​to communicate with Delta PLC over RS485 (Modbus). First of all to use DMT with your application following functions should be imported from kernel32.dll and DMT.dll: using System.Reflection; [DllImport( "kernel32.dll" , CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary ( string dllPath ) ; [DllImport( "kernel32.dll" , CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern bool FreeLibrary ( IntPtr hDll ) ; // Serial Communication [DllImport( "DMT.dll" , CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern int OpenModbusSerial ( int conn_num, int baud_rate, int data_len, char parity, int stop_bits, int modbus_mode ) ; [DllImport( "DMT.dll" , CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern void CloseSerial ( int conn_num ) ; // MODBUS Address Calculation [DllImport( "DMT.dll" , CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern int DevToAddrW ( string seri...

Secure Instant Messaging

    Install  Secure Instant Messaging has following features: Secure IP Messaging with private\public keys RSA decryption/encryption Generate key pair and save keys as files

3DES File Encryption (C#)

In cryptography, Triple DES (3DES or TDES) is a symmetric-key block cipher, which applies the DES cipher algorithm three times to each data block.  To use 3DES functionality first off all we need to include “System.Security.Cryptography”. using System.Security.Cryptography;   Then we should create and adjust an object which will do encryption: var tdese = TripleDES.Create(); tdese.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; tdese.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; tdese.Key = ConvertHexStringToByteArray( "AABBCCDDEE11223344556677889900FF" ); var encryptor = tdese.CreateEncryptor();  “ConvertHexStringToByteArray” function to convert hex string to byte array: public static byte [] ConvertHexStringToByteArray ( string hexString ) { if (hexString.Length % 2 != 0 ) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The binary key cannot have an od...

Arduino Wifi Setup

A IoT device programmed with Arduino need connect to WiFi at start of device to use internet for data transfer etc. First of all we need to include header file “WiFiClient” to our sketch. # include <WiFiClient.h> With code below we will let user enter WiFi credentials over serial communication. we should add this code to our setup() part of our Arduino sketch. Serial . write ( "Please enter name of your wifi network\n" ); while ( Serial . available () == 0 ){}; String Uid= Serial . readStringUntil ( '\n' ); Serial . write ( "Please enter password of your wifi network\n" ); while ( Serial . available () == 0 ){}; String pass= Serial . readStringUntil ( '\n' ); If you want give user a tool to setup WiFi over serial you can download a free serial communication tool “Vengito Serial Tool”. With this tool user can connect IoT device easily and enter WiFi credentials. Download "Vengito Serial Tool"   For more software tools   Af...

How to do Simulations with Scilab Xcos Tutorial Video _ Part 1

    In this video i will give 4 simple examples of using Scilab Xcos for simulation.  Examples:  Display a simple sine wave  Algebraic loop example  Example for lookup table  Example for derivative of time dependent function (derivative of x²: 2x)

LabVIEW Example Videos _ Part 1

    In this video i will give 4 simple examples of using LabVIEW.  Examples:  Display a simple sine wave  Algebraic loop example  Get value of array element  Build array with for loop

Monitor Temperature, Humidity, Fire and Smoke of Room

  RoomLog measures ambient temperature and humdity.According to setted min and max values RoomLog sends email (if enabled) and activates 3.3V digital outputs. RoomLog also checks fire and smoke.If RoomLog detects fire or smoke, it sends email and activates 3.3V digital outputs. Monitor ambient temperature and humidity Check fire and smoke around 3.3V Alarm Output for Temp., Humidity, Fire and Smoke Sends Alarm Emails Linux OS Buy Software with Source Code   Buy Software and Device  

File Privacy

  File Privacy has following features: - File decryption/encryption (3DES) - File compare for cryptography - Create random key hex string and save as file - Hex string based decryption/encryption   Install